I am to listen more to my surroundings, to my field. I am to be more aware of what is happening around me. When one enterprises to free from the manipulation from the dark one needs to stop the frenetic dance of running away from their fears and face all that is HERE to be faced.
For this I have slowed down my dance considerably. Every time I feel attacked, which is permanently, I get slower, I watch my movements, what I am doing, especially concerned with my physical form. I am not to be controlling per say all my movements and thoughts but I observe, and my dear team and support from higher dimensions (The Guardians and the Order of Dari) can consequently understand the situation better as well as be met with added datas on the concerns of Ascensions as well as what to trigger from the dark to be released from Earth. This morning's meditation has been about receiving messages from the Order of Dari, communicating their presence and overseeing of my Ascension. Their workings onto my grid work and their recommendations to keep slow, kind and silent so they can identify and remove with ease what is injuring my spiritual evolution at this stage. “There is a deeper possession that is concerned with an entity (fake god, fake Tao) which needs removal as soon as possible and this is what we are observing NOW, very closely. I would ask you to remain slow, kind and calm and let what you know isn’t YOU express so we can identify it, locate it fully and act in consequence.” Listening skill is one to develop NOW. As I am allowing to receive communication, I notice my ego stepping in to decorate the receivings with added artifices, which I believe is geared to be against “the enemy”, to put my foot down and "win". I have more programs to let go off so the fighting and competition drenched relationships with and against the creatures haunting me ceases completely. I am also learning when and whom speaks, thinks and writes, through me or at me. I am aware of agents of the dark trying to confuse clear communications with higher dimensions. “You need not fear the confusion and keep listening, stop trying to rectify what you receive, If it isn’t right let it be, You are never insulting us, you are never driving us away, we have heard your call and we will support you. Times will come when you will be able to channel all we have to say to you or convey it on the physical plane. There is always a degree of interpretation through your body vessel, your very unique and particular ways to affect transmissions. You are learning these ways NOW. Be patient, kind with yourself and prioritise your well being as opposed to competitive and severe Ascension guidelines. You are weaving your own…” FOR SISTER’S DAY Splendour shines in my left eye Calling the feminine within not to shy From the sparkly call received from the skies My sister and I now witness The birthing of laughters without stress Through tears fallen burning tights Of angels yet to dream in the light I sing my love for the One divine union holding the hands of my heart Opening up to believing I can hear The fumes of hope tickling my ear With messages of my import For Lady Gaia will hold me in arms Through any doubts she remains under the charms Of my intents and my mistakes All is at stake but her love and support I am on the way back with bright intakes! The stars chant with me... "Feminine voice is on the rise From the debts of all we are learning For you mother and for her, under the rain I am here and faithful will remain As great lessons arise from chains I know I shall be feeding trains of thoughts to saw futures in mountains Where dancing in light reigns."