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SISTER’SDAY 03.10.2024

I am to listen more to my surroundings, to my field. I am to be more aware of what is happening around me. When one enterprises to free from the manipulation from the dark one needs to stop the frenetic dance of running away from their fears and face all that is HERE to be faced.

For this I have slowed down my dance considerably. Every time I feel attacked, which is permanently, I get slower, I watch my movements, what I am doing, especially concerned with my physical form. I am not to be controlling per say all my movements and thoughts but I observe, and my dear team and support from higher dimensions (The Guardians and the Order of Dari) can consequently understand the situation better as well as be met with added datas on the concerns of Ascensions as well as what to trigger from the dark to be released from Earth.

This morning's meditation has been about receiving messages from the Order of Dari, communicating their presence and overseeing of my Ascension. Their workings onto my grid work and their recommendations to keep slow, kind and silent so they can identify and remove with ease what is injuring my spiritual evolution at this stage.

“There is a deeper possession that is concerned with an entity (fake god, fake Tao) which needs removal as soon as possible and this is what we are observing NOW, very closely. I would ask you to remain slow, kind and calm and let what you know isn’t YOU express so we can identify it, locate it fully and act in consequence.”

Listening skill is one to develop NOW. As I am allowing to receive communication, I notice my ego stepping in to decorate the receivings with added artifices, which I believe is geared to be against “the enemy”, to put my foot down and "win". I have more programs to let go off so the fighting and competition drenched relationships with and against the creatures haunting me ceases completely.

I am also learning when and whom speaks, thinks and writes, through me or at me. I am aware of agents of the dark trying to confuse clear communications with higher dimensions.

“You need not fear the confusion and keep listening, stop trying to rectify what you receive, If it isn’t right let it be, You are never insulting us, you are never driving us away, we have heard your call and we will support you. Times will come when you will be able to channel all we have to say to you or convey it on the physical plane. There is always a degree of interpretation through your body vessel, your very unique and particular ways to affect transmissions. You are learning these ways NOW. Be patient, kind with yourself and prioritise your well being as opposed to competitive and severe Ascension guidelines. You are weaving your own…”


Splendour shines in my left eye
Calling the feminine within not to shy
From the sparkly call received from the skies
My sister and I now witness
The birthing of laughters without stress
Through tears fallen burning tights
Of angels yet to dream in the light
I sing my love for the One
divine union holding the hands of my heart
Opening up to believing I can hear
The fumes of hope tickling my ear
With messages of my import
For Lady Gaia will hold me in arms
Through any doubts she remains under the charms
Of my intents and my mistakes
All is at stake but her love and support
I am on the way back with bright intakes!
The stars chant with me...
"Feminine voice is on the rise
From the debts of all we are learning
For you mother and for her, under the rain
I am here and faithful will remain
As great lessons arise from chains
I know I shall be feeding trains
of thoughts to saw futures in mountains
Where dancing in light reigns."

ONE’SDAY 02.10.2024

Trusting my wild imagination and my creative life force has been one of the most difficult task, one of the hardest aspects of self to re-empower. It is now re-becoming, in a new way, a way that encompasses my inner child which feels very beautiful within my heart. I am joining co-creation with angelic forces through story telling which entrances my child selves greatly.

I had a glimpse of a wish to manifest a series of stories, for children or otherwise supporting personal growth/evolution for all.

Out of the stars I felt a presence poking thru, an angel form full of silver pink ray intent, and came to me the idea to invite this enchantress in the breakfast room of the house of love where Lady Death is at work tapping her toe (YOUR PERSONAL LADY DEATH INVOCATION). My Enchantress took form faster than my mind could follow. It felt like my soul sallowed her in a tornado of kisses to sit her down to our round table offering what ever she shall have for a drink.

It happens that the Enchantress likes a coffee with soya milk, and Lady Death who is drinking earl grey, took the opportunity to opt for a change and order a green juice. Both seemed to know each other well, I did not need to do any introductions, instead we were all taken by a frenzy of euphoria upon being united here, in the sit of my heart. I introduced the Enchantress to my healing team so to be very clear that she is welcome to take part in the workings of my soul, as well as somehow practice my skills of spontaneous story telling which I remember right in this moment being really great!

I remember loved ones recording me on the spot, asking for stories, that I would effectively come up with without one bit of a wonder.

This now makes me pause on the wildest aspect of the power of creation of humans. I even wonder about the difference between much higher dimensional beings, or anyway other beings that have not experience such a messy mix of dark and light forces. Such a fall. I feel really grateful in this now moment for anything and everything I have experienced. And I am beyond exhilarated to retrieve all my fragments and what they are coming back with.

I intend to start writing stories that stems from my experience, and can be truthful and love fuelled creations that one may use for their own Evolution… Or maybe the skeletons for stories to write for your own. Have a few characters for different initiation levels and endeavours...

...(Children) Ascension Material!

The challenge I am encountering in the now is so;

I feel my soul’s desires taking form, I feel the merge of my personality and my soul and I see it all coming together into the dream of a few ways to create and a few ideas for great creations I see myself leading to completion.

This is arising in the mess of separation being on it’s long awaited way to atonement. I catch my mind, or myself freaking out for a few seconds at a time about how am I to create all this? Is what I have done worthy of sharing? My head tries to tidy it all… What about making money? Shall I embrace my Dream of not needing to make it? What about my day to day at the moment?

I really do not lack of anything at all, but this fear of lack still ramps and steps loudly and ungracefully dances with the fear of unworthiness. As if it is all good and charming when it is limited to being in my head and considered affabulations but wouldn’t be able to see the day... why...?


in which I wish to let go
of the expectation and disappointment patterns
My mind uses through its oscillations
from up to down.
I wish to detach fully from what isn’t part of me,
and invite all that is to partner up
in sawing me up.

I call for the strength within
To let go of the petit fighting
That we once hid behind
Not to face the light of the kind
Coming in through portals
Unknown of to shine truth
Over the dirt I so believed
I had to hug to make it.
The nasty luring I thought
To invite to become me
Instead of I
Is now stunned and gazed upon
By all the gods and far beyond
So in trust I step along
And out of waring all the wrong
I flap my wings towards the glow

I feel chanting through the wind blow...
"Dreaming your dream is all you know
We shall witness wind, water and fire
Dancing through the magic you shall show
Upon earth swirling her dress
Around the sound
of your smiling face"

MAUDE DAY 30.09.2024

The softness and kindness I am able presently to unleash is puzzlingly charming and entrancing, within. I love who I am re-becoming, I surprise myself with the ability to increase in kindness in view of some attitudes and behaviours I am the channel for that I used to react to with severe anger. I am integrating the simplest of concepts I just wasn’t able to access the understanding of before; Like the fact that what you attract matches what you are/what you run through your energy. I had managed to dissimulate to myself an amount of violence and agressivity I held within and expressed unawaringly to others that is tremendous. I wonder how much more will wither off in the coming while as I peel off all the masks. As I still am surrounded but dimly so by life forms still trying to play with my sound and light, with my energy and body, it's often difficult to keep your awareness wide enough to be in charge of all the giving and receiving operating through you.

In recent days I also have experienced the joys from learning to say no. our agressive and shut down ways give us the illusion of having this power, but what we say “no” to, often, is ourself, not the forces of the dark. It is as simple to operate, although really difficult, as to say no to "your demons", pain body and inner child(ren) asking for numbing substances and escaping activities. I have managed to say no to many of these suggestions trigering my vulnerable selves in the last week without repeating a cycle of chilling on my boundaries because I feel openings; running the risk to enact this co-dependant pattern and hide behind the feeling that one needs a reward for the premise of a “good” conduct, which inevitably leads to allowing again what you have just started to transcend.

One thing that really helped is the reminder that when I partake into binge eating, drinking, vomiting, smoking… I am feeding a group of illuminates. A week or so ago I had a strong relapse in which I allowed a couple of wines which allowed a couple of puffs on a joint which allowed a couple of hours lying down and I felt this phenomenon first hand and more consciously than ever. I felt like bodies of dead smoke were diving in and coming out of me fed from literally all my power. I wasn’t resting, I was hard awake but unable to move or do anything about what I was witnessing. Going up in frequency and expanding increases the risk and the danger concerning this vampirising. First I became more conscious and being so conscious of such an occurrence is traumatic, second in the process of resurrecting your whole energy and biology is softening and becoming more magnetic and vulnerable to electric assault and so; any of these deadening activities can be fatal on your cells.

I also understand, integrate the concept of rotten cells attracting the dark; death, and when I look at my body landscape I notice that regions I have been less in control of, like my mouth for example, as I have had dark spirits talk through me without my consent, are the ones with the most rotten cells. That is again another simple fact I did not understand let alone “HEAR” at all before I managed to break through certain energy fences within my field. I have had bulimia, food disorders and violent tendencies during this present lifetime which got my mouth, oesophagi and digestive system really prone to manipulation because of its rotten, numd... dead state. I have had blood circulation problems, and often I wake up with “dead” hands, as well as could not sit for long period crossed legs or even normally without getting deadening pins and needles until recently, until I engaged into diligent care for my body and followed a strict rhythm of seeking accurate informations on how to regenerate and resurrect your form from inside out. At the heights of my awakening I was fully conscious not to control my face, mouth, hands and feat, I was literally moved by entities and other life forms. And I also was not able to decide what to say. Let alone what to think. There has always been a strong inner knowing carrying me to seek for the truth and thanks to I believe many walk ins and interventions from the Guardians and from my Star Families, I kept going against all odds, as often I had to wonder how the hell I was making it out of such violence, alone… most would die, and by this I mean pass… Cause I was dead mostly.

Resurrection is a process I am currently embracing and I do hold fear surrounding the impossibilities to resurrect certain parts/cells. But it’s a fear and the call I am receiving to ascend seem quite positive that I can go as high as the solar council allows it for the times of NOW.

The emotions and the hurt I feel, are mostly about realising what I have done and the ways I have been acting being that intense, that violent, that hurtful and repeatedly so and for that long. That is where the importance of self forgiveness and forgiveness as the first love octave of the language of light (The Language of Light) to integrate makes the most sense. How can I not forgive all others and all that is as I forgive myself for all the violence that dwells in my genes, in my DNA, from all lifetime's experiences as well as Ancestors experiences throughout eons; hurting, lying, killing, raping, massacring, stealing, fighting, insulting, denigrating, isolating, hitting, manipulating, slaving, shaming… etc. There is a small portion of feeling like the unawareness plays a great stand on it, as we evolve out of a dimension not allowing us to be aware of the violence we carry within first and then not allowing us to access the root of this violence easily at all. Something is poking often to tell me that it is not my fault. But as I consider this, I know that my consciousness took the decision to come experience this realm, I know that my soul chose contracts in order to come down here and be an actor of Rama’s creation, Rama’s film. I didn’t sign in to be a passenger, a backstage hand or a figurant, I signed to come be one main actor of it. And I knew what it entailed, I knew the challenges to surmount and I wished to do so. I wished to come experience awakening from having committed murders without remembering, I endeavoured to learn from it, to know how it feels, to experience growing out and from it.

EARTHDAY 28.09.2024

The light out of my windows is gold, accurately answering the radiant warmth I feel inside. Towards the end of meditation as I started wondering if and when to resume to break the silence, I couldn’t help but wonder deeper about what I wish to offer. As I peel the layers of my onion, detach and cleanse from others and any and all external control I have allowed to rule my days, I am met with this vast empty space, and with a foreign joy; I see who I am not and I ponder on who I am.

I am entering a perspective that cancels out much of what I thought to be useful to offer to another. In terms of healing, I see myself as my own healer, I am my etheric surgeon, I am my narrative healer and I am my spiritual guide. What I can offer is guidance relating to my experience and some of it might apply or resemble the crossroads another is seeking the hold of a vision for.


I am questioning myself now about how to comprehend giving to another, and giving what this other will receive. As I am learning to give to myself what I can receive, it feels right to offer what I am able to give myself and receive. And then comes a more difficult question to address which is; what can I put a price on?


I feel like concluding that the price, or the money exchange that shall issue from being of service to another in this organised system of value shall depend on each situation I encounter.


I also feel like building material to offer, but I am starting to open up to the medium. The idea to have an internet interface is great but was more for me to work within a frame, so I understand what I have to put up for others to be able to enjoy and grow from, and there are many hypothesis for this but nothing that I feel is ready as of today.

Money as main currency
In a world where trees aren’t free
Makes me dream of digging
A whole in the ground
So I can go swimming
Where there is no sound
Deep in the core of mother star
Where light shall cease to be far
But that is the tear I must harvest
From which an ocean will manifest
Infinite spirit I please you to open way
For I find out how to throw
The love I feel they never know
Better than out of my window
As I have done for ever so
Remind me how the hurt
of sparks Inside me
Can be the joy
Of conducting unity
How will I shine
what I can make
That is to bind
And not to break.

CRYDAY 27.09.2024

Cryday is very joyful for Cryday but I would not go so fast in confiscating today with it’s tears quality, as I believe the power of tears to hold tremendous light.

In the last day I have again learnt so much. So much that it is difficult now to relate.

One thing I feel the need to share with others on similar path is the amount of discernment one needs when endeavouring to connect with the one source and beings and consciousness from higher dimensions.

I developed Clairaudience upon myself, without meaning to, I was being gifted with illumination at this time but could not see this and have since then and until last year been giving out my power away through this chaotic discovery. I felt attacked, I could not make sense of who was attacking me and how and my very own thoughts seemed to harass me. Even as I remembered my connection to source and to the light, who I am and what I am here to accomplish during incarnation stages I still am too often met with grand hurt surrounding the feeling of disconnection to infinite spirit.

Instruments of the dark have a way to separate you from Godheads and from your very own head. They populate your nadi system and parts of your etheric body and intercept messages swimming in the in-between. I ceased to be able to retrace the root of my thoughts, so concretely for me it felt like these thoughts were not mine and coming from the nasty beings having fun with me like I was their pet, and treating me like less than an object. These thoughts they steal while spelling them out in disgraceful tones around you provoking much warring against yourself, as well as full disconnection between your heart and your mind. Reconnecting this is a lot of work and this work has to do with becoming subtle. Daily meditation, slowing down your physical pace, regularly catch yourself when you are going to fast is a sure way to intercept falsity; it is most likely not you driving and you can be quite sure that what you are doing isn’t aligned if you can not slow down. These beings of the dark loose much of their grip when you slow down, you become unattainable. What they also do is that they intercept messages from your higher selves, the divine, from higher dimension beings as well as from your personal evolution team, angels, devas and ETs supporting your higher purpose so that it becomes very unclear for you and it has taken me a long time to understand this movement and allow to receive some bits of messages channelled and distorted by demons. This had ways of making me feel hopeless; the first one is that believing in the support and connections with higher power and infinite spirit kept on falling out and having me despairing as well as wanting to end my life, as there was no need to keep up existing if there is no light here, and the second is that I grew scared that these abusive parasitising beings were actually to be trusted and were in fact right and I should do with them around and/or integrate them into my physical form. This happened in turn of being possessed and letting these ET insectoïds incarnate parts of my form. They currently can express words through my mouth and have for years. Emotions or expression through my breath and use my eyes to communicate with my thoughts and with others, pulling faces on me and on them.

Now that I know my spiritual links and which higher dimensional and inter-dimensional beings and consciousness I am in communication with whom I called forth to support me, I am starting to make sense of the sham. I am taking care to keep slow and soft on myself and my body. It is very easy to become violent with simple tasks, like cleaning, moving around, because the anger that builds up from being attacked 24/7 by very nasty demons which go at you without leaving you for a second for years has built ways of coping that have been very intense and violent to my physical form. I now need to re-educate myself and my movement pattern, on a rhythm which promotes healing, expanding and clear awareness of the interventions of the dark through the amount of light I am now receiving, that is great. Too great to oversee.

I also need to point out that this phenomenon is dangerous with high potential to ignite the victim/victimizer complex within and have you have a hard time with getting rid of these implants. The way to understand the violence is as everything; It is coming from within. The truth is I would not attract such intense interactions with the dark if I did not hold the magnetising vibration from within, the same frequency. So as I found more and more instances of carving minutes of relaxation within my experience, with meditation and other spiritual activities, I could find the peace to enquire about the violence that I hold within, that I should address and heal, otherwise I would have to keep my invisible unruly friends around for ever…!

Taking responsibility for this violence that you are smilingly experiencing as coming from an external force is an endeavour that is highly confronting and involving much ego death, which is actually I can say now physically and emotionally painful. But the unfolding of gracious sovereignty as you empower accountability for your experience as a whole, not matter the nature of it is of a relief and magical feel that I can hardly express with words… I highly recommend to ride!

I feel it all coming together
I see the unfolding of ardour
In sweet melodies whispering
Uniting is in the sawing
From down to up we hear calling
The middle is to be shining
The grace and beauty
Of our agents amplifying
The spark of love
As their voices fume
To up and above
Intentions dressed with a spirit
Devoted to the one infinite
Singing the chorus
Of the ascension dream
In a mess synchronising.

Dear day of the tear
Far away is coming near

TRUSTDAY 26.09.2024

It has been a few months that I have endeavoured to call each day differently than the name our consensus reality has agreed upon.

I first went with what I read in books, and or heard from “healers” and spiritual talking heads online, which utilises the cosmic weather, as we have Sun day, the Monday is the day of the Moon, Tuesday is Mars, Wednesday Mercury etc… and all this comes with a certain energy to consider, a certain feel, a certain colour and a few other parameters I do not have in mind at the minute.

Slowly I realised the rigidity of this new contract I was making to follow new rules out of wishing to stop agreeing to a time schedule with the masses entailing a separation between work and leisure. Spirituality and celebration and other separative and militant ways of approaching space.

I then started to name the days as I please, as I see fit, as it ignites playfulness and joy within. It did not have much impact on my “day to day” apart from being amusing to plan my week ahead while enjoying some wonders about what this day feels like in my heart from my experience until now and how to play with that.

In the last weeks I started coming up with names now having a profound influence on my experience. I am a sound and word lover, I love to play with words, write poetry and harmonise the flow with rhymes, I love that words dance with ease together through playing with phonetics. So the fun I have been challenging myself with is to find names for the days which sounds like the one everyone uses.

Today is Trust day, which I feel goes hand and hand with allowing to break any and all contracts and agreements you have not even known to give any thought about until you (start) ascend(ing).

Trust comes second, just after the glyph of forgiveness in action in the language of light. I find this to make a lot of sense; One is able to trust after having integrating forgiveness. Trust in action glyph is also Structure, which hadn’t make sense until Trustday.

When I ponder on trust I think about the relationship between a creator/creatress and their creation. I heard a thought yesterday; it was about forgiving god, that I should forgive god. Is there a reason for me to forgive God? What has God done to me I should forgive?

The creator/creatress of me is me? Is another? Is us?

I am currently studying the books written by Asur’Ana, my teacher and dear sister. Where her channelling of the Order of Dari is giving much light to understand this vertiginous creation we are a part of.

Not so long ago I was met with the realisation that the physical realm stands like a map, an expression of all that is. Everything you see and are experiencing is stemming from a root in the invisible and the remote. As you surrender to a pace which allows observing without taking part you can understand much of the cause of everything.

I am currently experiencing the chaos of falling in the deep of trusting. Trust is in the moment, in the now… If I jump from this high cliff will I know how to fly or will I fall on the ground… if there is even a ground at all?

As I am writing now, I hear the tension of my mind building up at every sentences written that it isn’t going to make sense, as a whole or that I won’t be able to use it, as no one will understand what I am trying to convey.

Trust seem to needs rejecting the end goal, I would even go that as far as saying that trust needs forgetting the intention. Trust is True experiencing. That does indeed come after embodying forgiveness, forgiving god. The god you are which is concurrently evolving and learning alongside the god/goddess who created you. Trusting god, as we understand now is trusting yourself, comes with ceasing to consider trusting anyone else. It seems that it is also trusting that everyone else can trust themselves and that as we all dive into the internal to understand our unique needs each we meet on a harmonious paradigm enriched with diversities that are uniting.

Wanting to trust has me faced with having fallen so low that my angelic form became mechanised. Considering trusting has me building anger at the onset of hearing that I should practice anything for at least 21 days to be able to implement it without forcing myself to. Considering fully trusting has me built anger against god. For having had a thought without considering the impact on me, on us.

As I grow to understand the radiance issuing off of this experience, I can allow forgiveness. I forgive myself and all that is and I open up the strength to implement structure on myself. And when I understand the mechanisation of form through repeated fallen states and more of the causes to the effect of this experience needing rectification; I open up the stamina to convince myself everyday that doing all these things that I do not want to do, that my body would rather not even be mentioned are what should be done. I won’t lie that the work involved in ascending and breaking through the current limitations on evolution are heavy, really hard, painful and fear inducing. It induces the fear of injuring your relationship to self fully and falling deeper.

this is when trust and structure operate a reversal. Trusting that you won’t fall out of structure while leaving behind all structures is what I am trying to write about now and understand for myself how to embrace being my true self… listening to my body…

Am I ready to do so? Will I ever be? Do I even need to consider time through the length of a daily cycle? Repeat what I do everyday? Do I need to shower daily, do I need to eat daily? Or could I wash my body with water when I so feel it is appropriate? Can I eat when my body asks for it… Have I transcended the mechanism embraced by form for longer than I can express?

This is the high cliff I jump off from today while I trust that I will grow again the wings I once had through the fall.

As I contemplate the highs
of the tights
I am about to cut
As I consider jumping of cliffs
And Ignoring all the ifs
I know not how
To embrace the belief
That I once knew
How to fly
And needed ever wonder
Where my wings would take me

Not knowing is allowing to fall in trusting
And so I thank all that is
for having shun darkness
On the roads leading home.

Is thank you: I forgive you?

A step up from the hurt
Is a mixture of silver
Stunning out the mirror
Allowing for a while
Another to dance
The reflection of corruption
Erupting out of the confusion
Which I conclude is
The one to bless
on Trust day

WAYSDAY 25.09.2024

I am falling deep in love with my soul.

Today opens the ways for more change.

Everyday I shed a layer of falsity unforeseen.

Each day that I spelled with a name is coming in synchronicity with the workings of my soul.

Today I stand strong against the dark that I can now admit to have been attached to for over a decade, I do so in honour of all I have encountered on my way.

I bless Asur’Ana for being one of the most radiant gift to Earth NOW and one of the brightest window I ever got to look through. I have not been observing the landscape of myself with such veracity ever before.(

Yesterday morning I said to myself while Meditating; “The music will go”, while feeling confronted by this lip of the tong I do not control, and the rise of irritation to having to be reckoned ever again with this "other" talking within me, this entity possessing parts of shadows within the etheric of my field, having access to controlling parts of my body, disturbing my expressions and words, bothering my access to God/Godess Within, was it the one speaking? I thought I was meant to say something else, I can’t remember what it was but it certainly wasn’t “The music will go”... Why would I ever tell myself to consider dropping Music making?


I kept playing it back into my head like a sentence I was not going to let be a prophecy. This is in part highlighting my incapacity not to fight with the entities and implants involved into my experience, which I have to share is the wrong way to go about it. Fighting against “them” is the way to get stuck down and stagnate. The vibration of resistance is as low as the one of war. I know and can see bright result in expansion when I allow, open up wider and invite forgiveness and gratitude for the experience at large. It is fine tuning I am in the midst of mastering.

Nonetheless I can see now how ego persomalities were in the way of me letting go of attachments to an identity based on a craft that was obviously not my expertise but the one of entities. The message was; If you want to push me/us out, you wont be able to make Music anymore and the reaction was one of fear. Who am I then if I am not what I have been doing and claiming is my life for over a decade?

Yesterday evening I decided to watch the 3rd Light wave webinar of Asur’Ana and Per that is about music and sound. While still not making the correlation, as the fear held my rigidity in place, I started listening while taking a relaxed pause on the couch. This position quickly resumed to sitting strait and stunted by what I was hearing. The way she has to speak about the invisible is so clear to me and I can pin point exactly how to understand what I am experiencing and how to deal with it.

And so effectively, after an evening of disturbed mental back and forth streams and a crowded morning meditation I have surrendered to the "music going".

This meaning that I am embracing the change and letting go of my ways to produce and share my gifts. My old electron drum synth and all my dusty cassettes are on the departure gate of my surroundings and that makes me feel as free as feeling like there is a plane waiting for me to catch to islands undiscovered by mankind in the next days to come.

I also in turn can fathom for the first time the ability to let go of the spiritual attacks and the horrid beings that have been conducting music through and at me for years while making a real mess in my social environments and are still gripping onto my field to play around with my energy and body as if I am their toy. This way of describing this phenomenon is simple and true and has me feeling sovereign and able to comprehend what I hadn’t been able to make sense of until very recently. That can be explain with the simple truth that starseeds and light workers have in general a hard time in believing one and thus from any nature could want to intentionally harm another out of fun, but the difficult truth of low density and distortion has to punch us in the face and teach us how to deal with this fact and instigate clear boundaries with love remaining the most effective in view of constant and repeated adversity.

A few questions remain… for the shift of the day, and days to come...

When I need guidance from higher selves, I most often write poems in automatic writing. I find this is a potent way to have answers unfold through the resonance of the words and their meanings within my energy through out the day. I recommend to start your days with this sort of spells, it can make your field sing in delightful ways and provide you with insights unfolding for a while to come.

Let the ways of the day
welcome the flow of light
Giving you shivers to take flight
As you walk eyes semi-closed
Listen to your prose
Let your steps
sound the cracks
of the branches
Fallen of the trees
Having known for a while
That you are about
To hear them smile.

MOONDAY 23.09.2024

Today I see the light of trust, timidly poking on the horizon. I feel it draws the smile on my face translating excitement and the hesitation to express it. This hesitation reveals the remainders of implanted fears of abandon and punitive reactions.

Today I feel my whole is ready to let go of its hold.

Today I will let my words flow out of the old.

As I open up after sleep, I take a moment to integrate the night workings. What can I bring up to the conscious was shared during my visit to the healing temple of recasting (Healing Temples for Ascension)? What can I set in motion up from the unconscious to the conscious to be integrated progressively? What do I remember from my dreams? Are they saying anything I should translate from the scenes? Is there any polarities showing I should endeavour to integrate?

I came out with the act of recasting having been triggered and being in a state of motion that is amplifying. I understood I hold subtle body parts of others from early childhood and must release them by period of time, which gave me the idea to perform a fire pot ritual and for each period of time recall whom I was influenced by and whom I took on parts of nightmares and dreams from.

While meditating and through out most of my morning routine, I find it difficult to concentrate in the NOW, and my attention mostly goes towards crafting subjects, sentences, titles, and settle ideas to share to the collective. I put a lot of energy towards stopping and framing one thing to work on for when I am done in a few hours.


Since a little while, as I integrate the need to understand when to share wisdom with another, and the report being that many whom I have been sharing thoughts, discoveries and experiences with have yet to unlock blockages which fully incapacitate them to hear what I wish to convey, I understood that trying to push this knowledge on them is violent, for both parties. And when I realise they are not ready to be faced with what I passionately feel the need to spread, I have to be faced with the obvious fact that I have not yet integrated what I say.

But one thing I can convey with love and feel understood is that I wish to incite others to start, if they have not, to meditate on a regular basis. I even wish to stress the importance of doing so NOW. Humanity as it is standing currently on earth is experiencing the chaos of a belated and repressed evolution. We have been sitting tight over a volcano that is exploding within and is going to explode out, wiping on it’s way most of the systems in place giving us the illusion of an organisation, we somewhat do not agree with but do not see how to stand against without compromising what ever we cherish or feel we must protect; may this be a family, financial security, a social situation or any other comfortable situations not to upset. The result is a lot of violence, as we can already witness in parts of the planet and thus for centuries, and a general war like ambiance in human relations and interactions on a daily basis, worldly.

Let me tell you that this is about to get much worst! And if you believe that your comfort will be saved from burning, you probably should reconsider.

The way is to enquire within, the way is to believe in your power and understand that trying to convince another, fighting one another, expressing the anger and despair out in the streets is not going to help calm any situation and will inevitably add to the sparks of fire.

But sitting in your home and looking within yourself, sitting in peace alone is on it’s own one of the hardest and most supportive action you can endeavour to gift the world NOW.

EARTHDAY 21.09.2024

I have decided as of this morning to start digital entries relating my experience.

The wish to ascend raised in me around late 2023, as I first started to open up the ability to even hear this word. At this point and I only realise this in hindsight, I had no idea what this meant.

In recent times I am piecing it all together and one task which prevails is how to be in service of the collective, what do I have to share to participate and support the global movement of ascension, of evolution? This has me question my abilities, skills and particularities, as well as has me swirl in many loops of comparison against others and their contributions. Can I do as well? Do I need to contribute something so similar? Is it not already done? When I find my self aligned, connected with my truth I suddenly receive an untamed fountain of ways to express my creativity and offer it to the collective. I intend for this digital platform to be the conduct for these gifts. More over I remember my passion for sharing truth. I go through so much awes and revelatory illuminations each day and always at the back of my mind sits the questions of “how to pass it on?” as I know this would have been useful for me to encounter, I get entranced with a wish to share it. I have written countless diary entries through out all my life that I often deemed worthy of sharing online but the tumultious circumstances of my experiences often resulted in disapprovals, backlashes, censure, and overall unsafe for me and others to keep up publishing. I now wish to resume writing about my experience and sharing it for the ascending collective as I have unlish the power to be true to myself and spread information which can be received These words are crafted in honour for other star seeds, light workers and Indigos whom may be guided to land upon my words through their evolution and receive the blessings and the love I feel for us doing the work that we do.

Every one of us go through very unique experiences and no other will have the same. Although, reading the insights and reckoning with the teachings of many others shall guide you to your own.

I please you to read these entries with love and compassion for yourself and intend to keep aware of your intake, keep what resonates and detach from the rest.


2023 marked the discovery of spiritual practices and the access to writings and teachings with guidance on how to set yourself up for prayers. My intention at this stage was drenched in winning against forces of the dark I had been battling with all my life mostly unwaveringly and for the past decade virulently; violently so, issuing on a lot of hurt and grand mess amongst my relationships to myself, others and to the world.

The year of 2023 has been very revelatory of the movements within the 4th dimensional world, and again this is integrated in hindsights. I was making grand altars, setting myself up with a lot of stones, crystals, incense, candles and became quite severe with myself, with dietary rules and rigid schedules. Parallel to this I was sharing my experience, trying to convince myself through convincing every other of the magic and the potency of the new found ways I had encountered to organise my dream life at last. This coming as a shiny comfortable plaster over my dark night of the soul which I deemed completed at this stage.

I was swirling still in addictive patterns of consumption unconsciously and supporting agendas I was not aware of.

Until one day last summer I stumbled upon the YouTube of an ascending soul with videos about healing the mother wound, which triggered a level of awakening and so I watched more and more until I got to be faced with needing to study Ascension Glossary to even understand what she was communicating. I devoured the lengthy entries of Lisa Renee with no regards to the need to pace myself through it, with tensions and emotions piling within of the somewhat unbelievable but fully trusted information I was faced with. When listening for the first time to one of the last news letter entries I found to play, I was met with my whole being feeling paralysed, I sat down with running tears on my face and listened stunted to every word while understanding absolutely nothing. But there was a deep knowing of having finally found true connection to my spiritual links.

From then on I opened a door onto remembering and integrating what healing and ascending really meant.

I am an Indigo child amongst other weaved in hybridisations through this existence. But this I did not truly believe until recent months, or I hadn’t yet opened up the ability to believe in my inner knowings, and I am still working at it.

I would like to encourage my readers to be very kind and soft with themselves through the process of unfolding layers of inauthenticity, through evolving and ascending. This I am slowly learning to do effectively, it is quite difficult for me and I know this is stemming from 2 facts; the first one is because of my lineages’ experience, the gene I am cleansing is heavily drenched with emotions unexpressed for centuries and the second I believe is a characteristic of Indigos and other star families I am connected to; we are very thorough and devoted to the causes we take on and this can result at first in perfectionism and rigidity.

Remember your divine state resides in the middle, in the balance, on point 0.